Structure of Human Body


Human body is the amazing creation of god. If we waysout our idea, it is looking like a tricky machine. The machine is not operating without fuel like that our body cannot function the absence of foods. In the Eastern Philosophy 'Oriental Philosophy' human body structured categorized into five elements like, Akash(Sky), Bayu(Wind), Jal(Water), Agni(Fire), Prithivi(Earth). On the other hand, scientist said these five things are Cell, Tissue, Organ, System and Body.

If we want to perceive the 5 main elements according to oriental philosophy those are easy to relate our body. The element Sky is related our spirit. Wind is related our breathing, Water is related our portion of water inside body. Fire is related to our temperature of body and last Earth is related to Mud where we stand and done every activities.

Our body manipulate the energy from our food. So the researcher and the scientist had find out one main result is 'We are, what we eat'. Finally, we make our body to consume natural and organic foods, Fibre and nutrition, water and clean breathe and everyday exercise to maintain our body.
